Calliope The Hedgehog

Calliope the hedgehog was the first one that Betty invited to take part in the establishment of Fluff forest. Her organization skills proved very useful since the project appeared to be huge. Always cheerful and always happy to help, Calliope is the fluff to hang out on your blue days.

Dark coffe with 2mg of stevia with a bit of crashed colombian mint please…
…of and I want to use my own 100% environmental friendly cup.

Calliope found herself quickly busy as the initial tasks were already overwhelming.

She studies hours and hours every night to make sure everything is setup properly, from the residential area to the shop area and of course…nightlife. Although she didn’t really knew what she was getting into, she never lost composure and she was always happy to help.

Her work bear huge fruits as today the efficiency of forest area is top notch and always will be as long as it’s on her watch.