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Cherry The Weasel

Cherry The Weasel came along to make sure that while it may be all fun and games in the forest, little critters won’t be short of education. Cherry is a caring weasel and a delight to be around but if “out of your comfort zone” is not your thing better steer clear!

It’s been two hours straight…?
…listening to nonsense…

Cherry happens to be a linguistics expert but serves as a teacher for the little critters. If you want to find Cherry and dive into some “out of the box” and uncomfortable discussions you can find at Sunshine’s bar talking with Betty and Mitch about how long might take for Brock to build a university! Brock tries to avoid her most of the time as the forest is not big enough yet but Cherry seems super determined.

An outbreak…

Finally, we can’t use the word “weird” in many of the critters so Cherry probably takes the cake.