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Sunshine the Panther

Sunshine is one of the earliest members of Fluff forest. Betty needed some place for the animals to listen to music and drink the occasional forest tea. Sunshine came to the rescue and agreed to open the Flulffhead Bar in the heart of the forest.

Are you feeling down?
…oh sweet flashback…

Sunshine has been around since the beginning and have sparked a huge interest among the Fluff residents for music. If they want to learn about new music you go to Sunshine’s bar and then you to Peggy’s school to learn how to play it.

Moreover her input on making the forest a better place is undeniably valuable and it resulted in more and more animals wanting to settle here.

Why insist…
…your truth is a disguised lie.

In her free time she either hangs out with Betty and Koky talking new music or strolls around the forest and gathers herbs for her bar and her tea specialties.

To sum up, Sunshine is a delight to be around as you can see from her permanently packed music bar. One “Sunny Delight” coming right up!